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MSG-18 원심 공기 및 가스 컴프레서
MSG-18 원심 공기 및 가스 컴프레서
MSG® 컴프레서는 다양한 용도에서의 개별 고객 요구에 맞추어 설계 및 구성됩니다. MSG 스타일 컴프레서는 고도의 기술로 가공된 공기 흐름 부품을 통해 제조되며 간편한 저비용 설치 및 작동을 고려하여 설계되었습니다.
- 임펠라: 고급 기술 및 방법으로 설계 및 제조된 5축 밀링 임펠라
- 베인드 디퓨저: 효율성 향상을 위해 최적화된 베인 설계 및 배치
- 윤활 시스템: 독립적인 저압 윤활 시스템
- 인터쿨러/애프터쿨러: 간편한 조사 및 세척을 위한 튜브 내 물이 포함된 인터쿨러 및 애프터쿨러
- 번들 슬라이드 구조
- 고급 피니언 베어링 설계: 모든 작업 하중에서 수명 및 작동 성능을 향상시키도록 설계
- 씰: 오일 프리 씰링으로 버퍼 에어가 필요하지 않은, 여러 기체 공정을 처리할 수 있는 다양한 무접촉 및 무마모 설계 제공
표준 규정 준수:
- ISO 8573-1 클래스 0
- American Petroleum Institute (API)
- ISO 9001:2008
- ISO 14001:2004

Easy Operation/Maintenance
1. State-of-the-art MAESTRO control systems
2. Fully automated operation for any process conditions
3. Machine self-diagnostics
4. Compression elements do not wear or require periodic replacement
5. Accessible horizontally split gearbox for quick inspection
6. Removable intercooler and aftercooler bundles for easy cleaning
Simple Installation
1. Compressor, lubrication system, intercoolers, shaft coupling, coupling guard, interconnecting piping, etc. on a common base
2. Easy installation with no special foundation requirements
3. Easy component accessibility
4. Site connection point flexibility
5. Reduced floor space required
6. Dynamic compression process is pulsation-free, so installation of additional dampening equipment is not required.
MSG centrifugal compressors are exceptional by design.
1. One, two or three rotors, up to six stages per gearbox
2. Horizontal splitline(s) for easy access to parts
Additional Resources
1. State-of-the-art MAESTRO control systems
2. Fully automated operation for any process conditions
3. Machine self-diagnostics
4. Compression elements do not wear or require periodic replacement
5. Accessible horizontally split gearbox for quick inspection
6. Removable intercooler and aftercooler bundles for easy cleaning
Simple Installation
1. Compressor, lubrication system, intercoolers, shaft coupling, coupling guard, interconnecting piping, etc. on a common base
2. Easy installation with no special foundation requirements
3. Easy component accessibility
4. Site connection point flexibility
5. Reduced floor space required
6. Dynamic compression process is pulsation-free, so installation of additional dampening equipment is not required.
MSG centrifugal compressors are exceptional by design.
1. One, two or three rotors, up to six stages per gearbox
2. Horizontal splitline(s) for easy access to parts
Additional Resources
GAS FLOW ARRANGEMENTMSG centrifugal compressors feature an advanced arrangement of gas flow components. Advantages of this arrangement include: Directed gas movement to reduce turbulence induced friction Air is cooled after every stage to provide high isothermal efficiencyAir Flow Diagram Compressor inlet First-stage compressor volute Coolant in Coolant out First-stage intercooler Second-stage compressor volute Second-stage intercooler Third-stage compressor volute Compressor discharge

모델 규격
부품 및 부속품
모두 보기
- 임펠라: 고급 기술 및 방법으로 설계 및 제조된 5축 밀링 임펠라
- 베인드 디퓨저: 효율성 향상을 위해 최적화된 베인 설계 및 배치
- 윤활 시스템: 독립적인 저압 윤활 시스템
- 인터쿨러/애프터쿨러: 간편한 조사 및 세척을 위한 튜브 내 물이 포함된 인터쿨러 및 애프터쿨러
- 번들 슬라이드 구조
- 고급 피니언 베어링 설계: 모든 작업 하중에서 수명 및 작동 성능을 향상시키도록 설계
- 씰: 오일 프리 씰링으로 버퍼 에어가 필요하지 않은, 여러 기체 공정을 처리할 수 있는 다양한 무접촉 및 무마모 설계 제공
표준 규정 준수:
- ISO 8573-1 클래스 0
- American Petroleum Institute (API)
- ISO 9001:2008
- ISO 14001:2004

Easy Operation/Maintenance
1. State-of-the-art MAESTRO control systems
2. Fully automated operation for any process conditions
3. Machine self-diagnostics
4. Compression elements do not wear or require periodic replacement
5. Accessible horizontally split gearbox for quick inspection
6. Removable intercooler and aftercooler bundles for easy cleaning
Simple Installation
1. Compressor, lubrication system, intercoolers, shaft coupling, coupling guard, interconnecting piping, etc. on a common base
2. Easy installation with no special foundation requirements
3. Easy component accessibility
4. Site connection point flexibility
5. Reduced floor space required
6. Dynamic compression process is pulsation-free, so installation of additional dampening equipment is not required.
MSG centrifugal compressors are exceptional by design.
1. One, two or three rotors, up to six stages per gearbox
2. Horizontal splitline(s) for easy access to parts
Additional Resources
1. State-of-the-art MAESTRO control systems
2. Fully automated operation for any process conditions
3. Machine self-diagnostics
4. Compression elements do not wear or require periodic replacement
5. Accessible horizontally split gearbox for quick inspection
6. Removable intercooler and aftercooler bundles for easy cleaning
Simple Installation
1. Compressor, lubrication system, intercoolers, shaft coupling, coupling guard, interconnecting piping, etc. on a common base
2. Easy installation with no special foundation requirements
3. Easy component accessibility
4. Site connection point flexibility
5. Reduced floor space required
6. Dynamic compression process is pulsation-free, so installation of additional dampening equipment is not required.
MSG centrifugal compressors are exceptional by design.
1. One, two or three rotors, up to six stages per gearbox
2. Horizontal splitline(s) for easy access to parts
Additional Resources
GAS FLOW ARRANGEMENTMSG centrifugal compressors feature an advanced arrangement of gas flow components. Advantages of this arrangement include: Directed gas movement to reduce turbulence induced friction Air is cooled after every stage to provide high isothermal efficiencyAir Flow Diagram Compressor inlet First-stage compressor volute Coolant in Coolant out First-stage intercooler Second-stage compressor volute Second-stage intercooler Third-stage compressor volute Compressor discharge